Just wrapped up January 2012. Pretty big difference from January 2006 when I signed up for my first triathlon, an ironman, scheduled for June 2006 in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. I can't believe what a newbie I was at the time.
Let's suffice it to say that running was not my strength, and I'd only owned a bike for 2 months when I signed up for a training program and a Ironman. Damn that NBC show on Kona.
January 2012
Swimming 35,000 meters
Biking 600 miles
Running 186 miles
January 2006
Swimming 60,000 meters
Biking 207 miles
Running 46 miles (only could run 14 miles in all of February-my ankles turned to cankles for 6 months--I think the swelling subsided in late July of that year)