[See other posts for garmin downloads of the swim/bike/run segments]
Johnna and I arrived in Penticton on wednesday afternoon. We flew into Spokane and drove the 220 miles through the back roads of northeastern Washington state. No mishaps at the border. We stayed in Summerland, a resort on the other side of the lake about 15 minutes from the expo and the swim start. Did a short 20 minute run after we arrived to loosen up.
On Thursday, we (yes, both of us) went for 1500m swim in the lake, and then drove the course. We went to registration in the afternoon around 3pm during a torrential wind and rain storm. As I was registering, the lady handing me my packet said "It never rains here". I wish she hadn't said that.
On Friday, we went for another 1500 swim and later in the day, I did a 30 minute run. On saturday morning I took the bike for a final spin around Summerland; and we dropped off the T1 and T2 bags and the bike around 11am. I went to bed around 9, probably fell asleep by 10.
Sunday morning -- Race Day -- Got up at 4am, had breakfast. Temp was in the low 50s and a little breezy. We headed over to the start around 5:15. Got there, got bodymarked and then found Johnna before I headed in to put on the wetsuit.
Johnna saw Monica later before the swim start.

The swim start is in the water about 50 yards off shore in waist deep water. They have a big rope with backstroke flags holding everyone back until the cannon goes off. Pros started at 6:45. Our cannon shot off at 7am. Swim is a clockwise triangular swim. Straight out 1600m, right for 400 meters, then straight back to the beach 1800m. This is one of the easiest courses to sight that I've ever done. If you're a right side breather, its very easy to follow the big buoys.
Swim Start Video
People certainly take their time getting in the water.
Swim Finish Video
That's me and 4 other guys coming out of the water. I'm the one without the cap. Without fail, I always lose my cap during the swim. Maybe its my pointy head. Not sure where that 5th guy, a male pro, came from. He didn't look too good.
The bike -- The bike went great until the climb to Yellow Lake. The ascent is about 11 miles (from mile 84-95) with a couple of rollers in between and about 1600 ft of climbing. About a mile into the ascent, it started drizzling, then raining, then icy rain, then icy rain and wind. As you hit the top, there were hundreds of specators on the road creating a gap to ride through. It was pretty cool. I was smiling, but that was because my face was totally frozen. My tri kit and arm warmers were not keeping me warm. My feet were freezing. My glasses were fogged, and I couldn't see anything on my computer. The descent was a little crazy. Couldn't tell how fast I was going and just tried to ease my way down without crashing. There were about 4-5 of us descending carefully together. About halfway down, there were 3 bikes on the side of the road and two ambulances. If it hadn't been raining this 12 mile stretch back to town at 40 miles an hour would have been awesome. It was dry as we came down main street into T2. Power info below.

T2 -- 9:30 Ridonkulous. I was shaking so badly I couldn't put on my socks or calf compression sleeves.
The run - Feet were stumps of solid ice until mile 6. Had to stop in the porta potty a couple of times something I've never really had to do before during a race. My legs felt great despite the cold, but around mile 9-10 I started to bonk. Heart rate was low in the 120s and I was humming along and then boom, my tank was empty. It wasn't the normal "I've gotta walk feeling". It was that total bonk feeling. I was very sleepy and probably hypothermic. I needed a cheeseburger or some DoughNuts, but no Mcdonald's in sight. I ate 3 gels and some water and gatorade and tried many times to get back on track. Stomach issues still hounded me later in the run. I walked a lot. It was very disappointing. My run fitness was the best its been, but the cold zapped me. Didn't eat enough on the bike. I consumed a 1000 calories of the Carbo Pro 1200 plus one gel and some gatorade and water. Needed another 300 or so calories on the bike. Next time.
I was pretty green when I finished.

Swim 49:10
T1 3:14
Bike 6:01:55
T2 9:29
Run 5:17:05
Time 12:20:53
Great course, great Penticton hospitality. I would do this race again.
Power data:
Entire workout (166 watts):
Duration: 6:02:16 (6:02:26)
Work: 3598 kJ
TSS: 338.3 (intensity factor 0.749)
Norm Power: 187
VI: 1.13
Pw:HR: 6.8%
Pa:HR: 3.49%
Distance: 112.409 mi
Elevation Gain: 4763 ft
Elevation Loss: 4706 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (55 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 424 166 watts
Heart Rate: 73 152 120 bpm
Cadence: 30 212 87 rpm
Speed: 0 43 18.6 mph
Pace 1:24 0:00 3:14 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 38 7 lb-in
Altitude: 935 2530 1439 ft
Crank Torque: 0 782 166 lb-in
Temperature: 50 77 62.5 Fahrenheit
Peak 5min (251 watts):
Duration: 5:00
Work: 75 kJ
TSS: 8.4 (intensity factor 1.002)
Norm Power: 251
VI: 1
Pw:HR: -0.54%
Pa:HR: 3.88%
Distance: 0.708 mi
Elevation Gain: 243 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 6.8 % (253 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 152 333 251 watts
Heart Rate: 126 146 140 bpm
Cadence: 57 107 75 rpm
Speed: 7.1 9.7 8.5 mph
Pace 6:11 8:28 7:04 min/mi
Hub Torque: 12 25 20 lb-in
Altitude: 1504 1756 1630 ft
Crank Torque: 135 412 286 lb-in
Temperature: 62.6 66.2 65.1 Fahrenheit
Peak 10min (233 watts):
Duration: 10:00
Work: 139 kJ
TSS: 14.9 (intensity factor 0.945)
Norm Power: 236
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: -9.49%
Pa:HR: 15.43%
Distance: 1.627 mi
Elevation Gain: 449 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 5.3 % (452 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 140 333 233 watts
Heart Rate: 126 146 136 bpm
Cadence: 57 127 80 rpm
Speed: 7.1 18.7 9.8 mph
Pace 3:12 8:28 6:09 min/mi
Hub Torque: 5 25 17 lb-in
Altitude: 1281 1731 1498 ft
Crank Torque: 123 412 252 lb-in
Temperature: 62.6 66.2 63.9 Fahrenheit
Peak 20min (223 watts):
Duration: 20:00 (20:01)
Work: 267 kJ
TSS: 27.5 (intensity factor 0.909)
Norm Power: 227
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: 3.02%
Pa:HR: -4.52%
Distance: 3.483 mi
Elevation Gain: 807 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 4.4 % (811 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 333 223 watts
Heart Rate: 116 146 134 bpm
Cadence: 56 127 81 rpm
Speed: 7.1 19.3 10.4 mph
Pace 3:06 8:28 5:45 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 25 15 lb-in
Altitude: 1156 1967 1582 ft
Crank Torque: 0 412 237 lb-in
Temperature: 62.6 66.2 64.0 Fahrenheit
Peak 30min (214 watts):
Duration: 30:00 (30:01)
Work: 384 kJ
TSS: 39.5 (intensity factor 0.889)
Norm Power: 222
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 8.16%
Pa:HR: -23.06%
Distance: 5.674 mi
Elevation Gain: 1113 ft
Elevation Loss: 32 ft
Grade: 3.6 % (1088 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 333 214 watts
Heart Rate: 101 146 132 bpm
Cadence: 56 170 80 rpm
Speed: 6.6 28.7 11.3 mph
Pace 2:05 9:07 5:18 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 25 14 lb-in
Altitude: 1148 2236 1708 ft
Crank Torque: 0 412 231 lb-in
Temperature: 62.6 66.2 63.7 Fahrenheit
Peak 60min (193 watts):
Duration: 1:00:00 (1:00:01)
Work: 695 kJ
TSS: 67.2 (intensity factor 0.82)
Norm Power: 205
VI: 1.06
Pw:HR: -11.4%
Pa:HR: 47.84%
Distance: 15.451 mi
Elevation Gain: 1421 ft
Elevation Loss: 163 ft
Grade: 1.6 % (1264 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 400 193 watts
Heart Rate: 97 146 125 bpm
Cadence: 56 212 84 rpm
Speed: 6.6 28.7 15.4 mph
Pace 2:05 9:07 3:53 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 25 11 lb-in
Altitude: 935 2236 1360 ft
Crank Torque: 0 482 199 lb-in
Temperature: 60.8 66.2 64.1 Fahrenheit
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