Saturday, March 2, 2013


     The wife and I were out for a cruisey 80 miles on the TT bikes on the bike path, and 15 miles in, there was a crash.  I know you're going to ask, "is the bike okay?"  Yes it is.  Not a scratch.  But the wife's collarbone?  SNAP.  Not good.
      Some runner, whom she warned at least 3 times, just turned direction right into her, and over the bars she went.  I was about 2 minutes ahead, and I was stopping at the damn to regroup.  As I soft pedaled, I heard this guy yelling, and I knew for some reason, he was yelling at me.  He was totally out of breath when he caught up to me, "Your wife broke her collarbone back there."  I TT'd like a madman back to her, where I found her walking, holding her shoulder and a good Samaritan was walking her bike trying to convince her to get off the bike trail and go up to the gas station a couple hundred yards away.  As I pulled up, she told me to go on and ride. Definitely not thinking straight at that point.  We walked up to the gas station which was a pretty good intersection where someone could find us easily.
     I was definitely a bit flustered and it took me 30 seconds (seemed like minutes) to call 911.  I got someone right away, and the paramedics were there in under 3 minutes.  Amazing.  Interesting set of questions from the 911 operator.  Probably about 30 and it wasn't till question 29 till she asked me if  Johnna had any severed body parts!  I would think that question would be higher on the list, like 3 or 4 after "is she breathing" and "is she conscious'!  I'm not complaining at all, I just thought it was funny.   I was incredibly impressed with how fast the paramedics showed up, got her stabilized and when the ambulance appeared,  helped her onto the gurney. 

     The ambulance took her to Beverly, and trusted Haroon quit his ride 30 miles away, and got in his car and picked me and the bikes up.  We headed over to the hospital where they were taking great care of her.  We were home by 12:30 and the crash happened around 8:30am.  So, we hit the emergency room at a not so busy time!

      We got her to our trusted Orthopaedic Dr. Adamson at Congress Medical on monday after a pretty miserable saturday and sunday of unrelenting discomfort.  He opened a spot for her to have her surgery on tuesday.  He told us at the consult, that 50% of the time, people just let it heal with no surgery.  I thought it was pretty bad, and when he opened her up, he agreed--she definitely needed the surgery.  It was ready to bust through the skin.  Ouch.
    This picture was taken on April 2nd.  Exactly 4 weeks after the surgery.  A plate and 8 screws.  Your can count 7, and one is hidden as it is going horizontal into the bone.

     Johnna was riding the trainer after about a week for 30-60 minutes.  And after another week started adding some stairmaster sessions.  She now has the clear to swim--breaststroke only--and is allowed to ride the trainer or do the gauntlet.  No treadmill and no running.  Falling down BAD.  In another month, she should be ready for some treadmill running and maybe some actual biking on the safe streets.

Huge bummer.  Johnna was superfit and honing in on Oceanside 70.3.  Still plenty of time for Vineman 70.3 in July and Ironman Tahoe in September. 

     The silver lining on this one is two fold--she didn't hit her head, and she didn't hurt her face or teeth, and in addition, had little if no road rash.  That computrainer is gonna get some good use in the next 2 months.

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