Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ultraman and Smile Train - I am all in - Please Support Me.

A few years ago, while looking at Ironman online porn (triathletes know what this is, and it's not what you think), I came across an interesting race which had some unique distances and which covered three days of racing.  I then remembered seeing the Ultraman course markings while doing Ironman Canada in 2010.    The UltraMan is an invitation only race, i.e. you have to apply, and it consists of:

     Day 1 - 10km swim (6.2 miles) plus 90 mile bike
     Day 2 - 171 mile bike
     Day 3 - Double marathon 52.4 miles

Each day must be completed in under 12 hours.  There is Ultraman Canada, Ultraman UK, Ultraman Florida (new this year) and the Ultraman World Championships in Kona Hawaii.

     In early November I applied for Ultraman Canada up in Penticton Canada, the home of the original Ironman Canada which I had raced in 2010.  I decided I would wait until after Coach Hillary aka UltraMan World Champion finished Ultraman World Championships on thanksgiving weekend before I would let her in on my latest aspirations.   I didn't want to distract her with my drama.  When I finally broke the news that I applied, Hillary was totally pumped about this endeavor (I knew she would support me).    Having to wait 60 days to see if I would get in was a little strange.  Some days I wished I would get in, and some days, I rationalized that maybe it's for the best if I don't get in.  Well, last Saturday, the day before the Surf City Marathon I got the news.  I'M IN.  Holy crap.  I better get training.  I ran through the house looking for Trophy Wife Johnna like a kid who just qualified for American Idol. 

     So, why do I want to do this race?  For a variety of reasons, really.

     First, because it's there.  No way I'm ever going to Everest.  This is my Everest.  Second, my biggest challenge in ironman has been the run.  Doubling the distance, but getting a night's sleep before will be an interesting twist for me.  Will I be able to rebound?   Third, I've been wanting to do some fundraising, but I wanted something epic (for me anyway) to wrap it around.

    To make this even more interesting, I've added some complexity.  I call it my UltraMan Sandwich - Ironman Couer d'alene in June, then Ultraman Canada in August and then Ironman Arizona in November.  I am not sure how good this sandwich will taste, as I am sure that the many gallons of Infinit I will consume between now and November will not taste good after awhile.

    Way more important than the races I will be doing this year, is the charity I will be racing for--Smile Train.  Smile Train is an international children’s charity that provides free surgery to poor children suffering from cleft lip and cleft palate. Children born with cleft cannot eat or speak properly, aren't allowed to attend school, and as they get older, it's difficult if not impossible to get a job.  These children face very difficult lives of shame and isolation, pain and heartache. Some children are even abandoned or killed—all because of the way they look. Their clefts usually go untreated because they are too poor to afford the simple repair surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and costs as little as $250. Yet with your help, we can save these children and give them the life changing surgery they both need and deserve.

   Personally, charities for children pull my heartstrings the most.  St Jude's Hospital for Children is one of my favorite charities as is Smile Train.  One of the things that caught my eye about Smile Train is how a contribution has an almost a direct impact on a child's life.   My goal is to help as many children as possible--I am hoping that family, friends and fellow athletes will support me in this cause.  Here is the link to my fundraising page --

    Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you all on the roads or in the pools at the races this year.


Train Hard, Get to the Start Line in One Piece, and Smile, Smile, Smile the Entire Way.

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