Team Pirate rode the Cool Breeze Century in Ventura on saturday. Are those some cool jerseys, or what? I saw a couple on a tandem with a pirate flag on it. Awesome. it was a Great ride. We did the double metric last year and that sucked. I don't even want to talk about that flat riddled day in '08. This year the weather was great for the 1900+ riders out there.
We put the hammer down the whole way and after awhile I couldn't keep up with Team Wheelbuilder and of course got dropped. We started strong with PTC and a huge crowed on the bike path. Finished the century in 5:23 of ride time. We rode into a headwind going north right up the coast for about 20 miles, then headed inland into some slight hills until the first rest stop at mile 30. Then it was about 20 miles of hills and ridge riding up above Santa Barbara and Goleta. Rest stop at Mile 52 for lunch and then down to the rest stop at Mile 83 for Popsicles. got a flat at about Mile 72. The ride back takes you through Santa Barbara right past the Pier. We were surrounded by some unbelievable homes, both up in the hills and along the coast. After the popsicle stop, we rode about 5-6 miles on Hwy 101 (yes, on the freeway). Fun ride and good food and beer (courtesy of Brent's 5th Wheel trailer) afterwards.
Entire workout (193 watts):
Duration: 5:23:14 (6:18:45)
Work: 3740 kJ
TSS: 431.9 (intensity factor 0.895)
Norm Power: 224
VI: 1.16
Pw:HR: 16.5%
Pa:HR: -0.32%
Distance: 99.467 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 689 193 watts
Heart Rate: 69 156 129 bpm
Cadence: 30 246 85 rpm
Speed: 2.2 36 18.6 mph
Pace 1:40 26:49 3:14 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 1100 200 lb-in
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