What is the Mackel Challenge ? Lynda always gets me into trouble. She tells Mackel www.socalrunning.com that I said I was going to smoke him at Oceanside, and tells me the same thing, Mackel is working to smoke you at Oceanside. Line drawn. She weaseled both of us into signing up. It's an early season race, the water is cold, and it sucks training hard in Jan and Feb.
I was going to the race alone, so I offered to share my room with Mackel. He shows up with this bag. It was a huge piece of luggage. OMG, it was a bottomless pit. Tri Gear. Blenders. Massage devices. It was funny. I thought I brought a lot. But best to be prepared. I used his vibracussor on my IT band and hip which were killing me going into this race.
We were in the same swim wave. We got down there in plenty of time to see all the PTC Peeps. I was trying a new method of swim training, i.e. no swim training. I swam 4-5 times before the race. I swam a 28:04 (2 years ago, I was 26:00), so not working out in the pool cost me 2 minutes, no big deal, but I was a little more winded than I usually am coming out of the water. I knew I had a about 5-6 minute lead on Mackel and it would be more if he hadn't been a water polo goalie in his youth--damn the bad luck on that one.
I'm on the bike, it's about mile 48 and I'm riding with a few people (not drafting!). Shannon was one of them. We turn the corner to head back to the transition, and out pops Mackel. Crap. I knew I needed at least 8 minutes on him at the start of the run and even that would be cutting it close. We came up on an aid station, he slowed to grab a water. I grabbed a water and then put the hammer down. I think I got 4-5 minutes on him in that last 8 miles. It was a risk given my fitness. Too hard bike = really bad run. Even in a half. 2:55 bike (2 minutes slower than prior year but it was pretty windy on the course).
At mile 3 of the run, I still had a 3 minute plus cushion on Mackel. At mile 6, though, my IT band popped. It was brutal. Had to walk it off, but Mackel gaining. I think he passed me at mile 8 or 9. At least RebeccaBob tapped me on the ass when she passed me. Mackel didn't pay me any such respect. 2:09 run. A lot of walking.
5:41 overall time versus 5:17 last year. Thought I was in better shape. Mackel came in at 5:32. So, yes, he kicked my a$$. I propose making Auburn 2012 half ironman our next challenge. Someone suggested Wildflower, which might be good, as long as Steve is camping and carrying around all that gear. I swear that bag was huge.
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