I was in Orlando 2 years ago for work, and it just so happened there was a race. So, when I knew I had to be out there again, I checked the race day --and low and behold, it worked out perfectly. After recent races, like IM Canada and Oceanside, I wanted a warm and flat race. Orlando fit the bill.
I arrived on thursday night late after spending the day in Wisconsin for other work meetings. I was staying about 20 minutes from the start in Disneyworld. The race takes place in the Disney Wildnerness area. Big lake (82 degrees) and the ride is around the outside of the park, and the run is through the wilderness area (3 loops).
I checked in on friday, and on saturday after waking up with the flu, I took my bike over to check it in. Given that you have to take a bus from the parking lot to the race start, they make you check your bike into transition the day before.
I woke up at 2am (actually just got up, as I never fell asleep) and had my 800 calorie top of meal. Tried to get to sleep but just layed there. Uggggghhh. Watching the hours go by was torture. I hate traveling to the east coast--sleep change is tough. Got up at 4am, had a little coffee and some G2. Went out to my car, and its pouring rain. Weather.com said it was going to clear up around 7am. The thunder and the lightening were amazing. We don't get that here in socal.
Made it to the disney parking lot about 515, took the bus over and got bodymarked. Luckily, I alwasy dress for cool weather--I had a rain shell, a sweatshirt and sweatpants--I was warm, everyone around me was shivering.
No wetsuit swim. Water was 82 degrees. Pro's started about 20 minutes late, but the sky had cleared with scattered clouds, and you could see the steam rising off the ground. Supposed to be about 90 degrees that day. I was in wave 9 or 10, so I was hoping for one fast guy that I could jump on and follow as we weaved our way through swimmers ahead of us. I got lucky, had a nice coasting swim on someone's toes--he did all the tackling and blocking. 27:04 swim, 2nd in age group.
Long run to transition--like 2-3 minutes. I hate running in barefeet.
Got on the new P4 and headed out onto the bike course. Course is totally flat. I was riding a new bike, maybe had 60 miles on it. Never do that. My crank was installed wrong and my inside chain ring was rubbing on a bolt by the aero brake. I could feel it more and more as the race went on. Did I say it was flat. I was in the big chain ring the whole time and it felt like I was flying. 2:42 bike, 22nd in age group after the bike, which is one of the better bike positions I've had in a race.
Did I say I only had about 1 hour sleep the night before the race, and maybe 4 hours the night before that. Not good before running a half mary in that humidity. I didn't cramp, was just tired. No speed. I had ridden very easy--my normalized power and my tss were well below, so it wasn't the bike. I definitely had a cold, and with no sleep ran a 2:23 (a lot of walking).
New equipment and nutrition: New Bike: Cervelo P4 with Di2 (awesome). New trikit--1 piece Kiwami (awesome, great chamois, no pinch spots, and not hot--it was hot and humid and I didn't even need to zip down). New nutrition - GenerationUCAN chocolate mix (400 calories paste on bike--tastes like cake batter and unbelievably gentle on the stomach).
Overall 5:39 and 77th in age group. It was a WR split. Worst run ever. Ouch. Onto the next one. I would do this race again. and if you have a family and kids, stay at Disneyworld!
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